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Chuck Mawhinney Signed Data Book
Chuck Mawhinney Signed Data Book
Chuck Mawhinney Signed Data Book
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2011 Limited Addition Chuck Mawhinney Signed Data Book Raffle

Impact Data Books is always looking for new and innovative ways to help raise money for our snipers. What better way to help out American Snipers Organization along with giving you the chance to own one of these limited addition data books.

These data books cannot be purchased anywhere and the only way to get one of these into your collection is to win it. These limited addition autographed books feature a special commemorative cover and a signed Bio page by the USMC's top sniper in Vietnam Chuck Mawhinney.

Chuck once again wanted to help us do this raffle in order to benefit our snipers. I met Chuck about 12 years ago and he has always been willing to help out his fellow snipers in any way possible. We designed this limited addition book to be used in a rifle raffle that was conducted at this year's Oregon Sniper Challenge. Chuck was presented with a copy of this exact book a week prior to the match as well as one other book was used in a combo raffle to benefit American Snipers at this year's match. Chuck's response to how much he liked these books lead us to make a few more in order to hold this raffle for such a worthy cause.

100% of the proceeds from this raffle will be donated to American Snipers Organization. We encourage you to send a check or MO with your name and note stating that this is for the book raffle and we will get your entries posted up online so we can maximize the funds for this great organization.

Mailing address is:

Impact Data Books
Signed Book Raffle
PO Box 223
King George, VA 22485

We will conduct the raffle on November 10th, 2011 at 6 pm which is the Marine Corps birthday.

We will be drawing 3 lucky winners who will each receive a signed copy of this LIMITED addition data book autographed by Chuck at this year's Oregon Sniper Challenge.

In addition we will give 1 book to the individual who single handily makes the largest single ticket purchase during this raffle.

I know this fundraiser is going to be a huge success and we want to thank you in advance for your help and participation. Your support to our troops allows American Snipers Organization to get our snipers the gear they need to keep them alive and fighting the global war on terrorism.

Your raffle number will be listed on our site with your name next to it at the following link:

We will video tape the drawing and post it online on our Facebook page for your viewing pleasure. So if you have not become a fan of Impact Data Books online get over there to keep up on what's happening from your leading source in data books.

Happy Shooting

Impact Data Books

Impact Data Books, Inc. - 2011 Limited Addition Chuck Mawhinney Signed Data Book Raffle

Impact Data Books, Inc. - 2011 Limited Addition Chuck Mawhinney Signed Data Book Raffle

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Raffle Tix Review? July 16, 2011
Reviewer: Lisa Antram from HENDERSON, NV United States  
LOL. If I win then the product was great!

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